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Solar Panel: Does it Save Money for PH Home Owners?

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Philippines is known for its power failures or ‘brown out’ and sometimes the place is too remote to have electricity ‘from the grid’ at all.
Do Solar Panel save you money? Yes! But you need to invest in this renewable technology.
According to Solar Philippines if you’re a Filipino consuming 2kw per hour or if you are paying 2,500 – 4,900 PHP every month for your electricity bill you should invest in 7 Solar Panels to cover your monthly bill, that is 178,000 PHP.
See below their price offer for residential homes (READ: Solar Panel for Residential PH Owners)


Is it affordable, practical?
Solar Panel is worth it, considering the savings. (READ: Renewable energy in PH affordable in long term — study)
It will pay for itself in 5 years. The solar panels themselves will last for 25 years. It's better than a time deposit.
If you take a look at the cost; the investment is high. However sometimes you have no choice if there is no electric supply in your location. Or you don’t like the brown-outs which occur quite often in the Philippines.
Panels are most efficient during the summer months of April and May. During the rainy season, from June to July, the panels will generate two-thirds what it would on a summer day.
Cost of the panels system: depends on the ‘system set’, ranging from 10 Watt to 5,000 Watt.
Just to give an idea, expect roughly Php 160,000 to power some lights in your house and electric fan, TV, computer, washing machine, radio.
But expect maybe Php 300,000 if you want to include a refrigerator and Php 500,000 if you want to include an air-condition unit.

Also, you need to consider the roof you have, it must be stable to hold the panels and make sure that Panels will absorb enough sun light for your regular electricity consumption. That’s why it is important to advise your Contractor (if your house haven’t made yet) that you have a plan to put a Solar Panel unit on your home. The Contractor will make a plan to make sure that your roof is stable for panels and it can get enough sun light to supply your electricity consumption.
Here in Reliable Home Builders and Trading, we help our clients from planning until the end of project. If our clients want a Solar Panel unit in their future home, we assist them in picking the right solar panel for them.
Going solar may be a great decision for anyone – in a way, it’s a great decision for everyone. However seemingly small, it does bring benefits to our planet in the grand scheme of it all.
