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House Construction
House Renovations
Swimming pool
House Construction
House Renovation
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool
Reliable Home Builders
have been part of several swimming pool projects from design to construction and maintenance. Reliable Home Builders Team work closely with owner in transforming their back yard or vacant lot into a recreational area and an escape to a busy schedule on work.
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Swimming Pool Projects and Perspectives
We have prepared a guidelines or step by step procedure in constructing your next swimming pool project. The following are as followed:
STEP 1: Site Inspection and Initial Meeting
Reliable Home Builders Team will visit your site and will set a meeting to determine the requirements, wish list for your next swimming pool project. The team will measure the available space to develop together with the space of the landscaping areas. The team will show some sample finishing materials and brochures for the owner t select.
Reliable Home Builders Team will also take pictures to document before and after activity of the project.
STEP 2. Conceptualized Design (Schematic Pool Plan Design)
Reliable Home Builders Team will prepare a pool plan for approval. This plan will be the basis of the detailed cost of the project
STEP 3: Detailed Cost Estimate
Base onsite inspections, meeting, pool plan and selected finishing materials. Our team will prepare the detailed and itemized cost estimate of the project. The detailed/itemized estimate will be a list of structural works materials & labor cost and finishing works materials & labor cost. The detailed/itemized cost estimate will be presented with quantity, unit of measurement, unit price, amount, and specifications of materials, location of installation and some other notes. Transparency is good relationship for both client and contractor.
STEP 4: Owners Approval
STEP 5: Contract and Construction
Upon approval of the detailed project estimate, we will prepare the construction contract and we will be requesting for a down payment for the project to proceed. Some items that are included in this step are:
5.1 Preparation of contract. This will includes the terms and condition, manner of payments, schedules and target date of delivery and warranties. All contract and copies of estimate will be signed by the client and Reliable Home.
5.2 In an event that there are changes on the project may it be additional or down grade. Reliable Home Builders Team will prepare a detailed cost estimate to determine the total cost additional or deductible to the original contract and a short addendum contract will be prepared. This addendum contract is subject for approval of both client and Reliable Home Builders. Transparency is a good relationship for both client and contractor.
5.3 Project Turn Over